CISCE Athletic Meet, 2022

  CISCE Zonal Athletic Meet was organized at Kaintal School Senior Wing on July 28 & 29, 2022. Over 170 participants (Boys & Girls) from eight schools in the Chandigarh zone participated in the Sub-Junior, Junior and Senior boys & girls category in the various track and field events with great energy and enthusiasm. The […]

75TH Independence Day Celebration

  “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and the soul of its people.” – Mahatma Gandhi. The school celebrated “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” with tremendous excitement and grandeur on Independence Day. The students’ and teachers’ smiles and a sense of pride were evident on their faces. The entire campus was decked out in tricolour balloons […]

Tips to Help Your Child Become More Focused at School

  Do you think that your child has trouble staying focused at school? Yes, there are several reasons children struggle to focus in school ranging from lack of comprehension to organization issues. But it is not a problem only with your child, it is common for students in all grades to face such problems. They […]

ATL Lab Inauguration

  ATL is where young minds may sharpen their ideas and learn creative skills via hands-on do-it-yourself activities. The objective is to raise 1 million neoteric innovators in India. ATL has been established at our school to assist pupils. The lab will help foster the school’s scientific creativity. The school is making genuine efforts to […]

How to Help Your Child Grow Spiritually?

  As a parent, you must long to shape your child into the people God created them to be. Yes, it is obvious. But that process involves several crucial steps. Ultimately it is all about helping your child embrace a relationship with God. But unfortunately, there is no fixed rule or step-by-step guide to help […]

Helping Your Kids Accept Academic & Personal Challenges

  As children get older, they start experiencing several challenges in their academic as well as personal lives. And, not all the time, they find these challenges enjoyable. As parents, you need to have a keen eye on your children and offer them constant positive support as they face any challenge. It is essential to […]

Teenage Psychology and Helping them Cope with Stress

  As a child gets older, it is obvious that his/her sources of stress will expand. So, teens are more likely to be stressed than young children through the events inside or outside the home. A recent study shows that stress is extremely common among teenagers that they show up in several ways. As a […]

Summer Camp – Art And Craft Activites

  Art expresses our thoughts, emotions and desires. It is about sharing how we see the world. In an online summer camp, students participated actively in cardboard craft, paper craft, origami, watercolour, oil pastel colour techniques, calligraphy, and stone painting activities.

Summer Camp – Dance Activity

  Dance education encourages students to acquire physical fitness, a concern for good health, and excellent stress management techniques. Dance Activity was organised in Online Summer Camp to help students improve their dance skills. The tutors divided the students into three groups and taught them Bhangra, Giddha and Bollywood dance styles.

Summer Camp – Cooking Activity

  Cooking with children in schools promotes healthy cooking as a life skill from a young age. A cooking activity was organised for students as a part of the Online Summer Camp to teach and promote healthier eating among students. The students created healthful dishes such as ‘Sprouted Bhel, Biscuit Canopy,’ Mango Mojito, Fennel drink, Cucumber bites, Pancakes and […]