Best Studying Tips to Keep Your Child Motivated

  Guardians play an important role in ensuring their child completes their homework; however, it is also critical not to put undue pressure on your child to finish it. There is a distinction to be made between forcing and motivating. Forcing your child to do work may cause him or her to dislike studying and […]

How Bilingual Education Can Change the Way Students Learn?

  According to the study, bilingual education can help the child to become more adoptable. Moreover, it enables the students to connect with different cultures and backgrounds by improving their ability to empathize with others. But before you dive deep into the importance of bilingual education for students, it is important to get a clear idea […]

Importance of Project-Based Learning for Students

  As we are all familiar with the phrase ‘Learning begins at home. This new generation has come up with various ways to educate your children not just with books but also with project-based learning (PBL). According to ICSE School in Patiala PBL encourages students to confront hard problems or questions through a reflective process of thinking […]

Why should you Encourage Students for Audio Visual Learning?

  Long ago, the learning sector adapted to the different demands of learners. Each learner is an individual who prefers a certain sort of knowledge consumption. Kaintal School the best ICSE school in Patiala tells you about various different learning methods to choose from: 1. Visual/verbal communication style This format refers to information that is delivered in both […]

Why Should You Encourage Students in Games & Sports

  Though most people believe that games and sports are just for fun, it is not completely right. Besides just being fun, games and sports can help a student to improve their learning skills. Are you surprised? Then take some time and go through the blog. Kaintal School, the reputed ICSE school in Patiala has taken a […]

The Top 5 Studying Strategies for Slow Learners

  Not all students learn at the same pace or show passion for the same subjects. Teachers, parents, and elders need to understand and accept that there are various types of students. Kaintal School, ICSE school in Patiala says some may excel in memorizing, while others may have a fascination with the arts. Slow learners are simply […]

3 Proven Tips for Smart Studying

  It is always helpful to study smarter, not harder. You can also expand your knowledge bases greatly when you study hard. That is why Kaintal School, the ICSE school in Patiala, focuses on smart studying. Active listening The very first tip for smart studying is active listening because it is really that important. Yes! […]

6 Important Benefits of Arts and Crafts for Students

  In this era of technology, children tend to get hooked on the digital space. While immersing in technological advancements offers multiple benefits, it can also limit creativity and curiosity. For that, one of the best alternatives that students can opt for is arts and crafts. It is not only a fun activity but offers […]

How To Use Flashcards For Better Studying?

  One of the most common yet reliable study tools for students is flash cards. These promote better studying via active recall. It aids the brain in understanding what you are trying to remember efficiently. You can use flash cards to test yourself and identify the weak spots. At Kaintal School, the leading ICSE School in […]

Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for Children

  The ever-increasing pressure of excelling in academics has undoubtedly made an impact on children.With the primary focus to score high grades, students are losing their energy and creativity. This has a negative impact on the growth of the children. Here, extracurricular activities come to play. Most schools nowadays are encouraging participation in different activities […]