3 Preferred Methods of Easy Communication

Communication is extremely important in everyday life. There are various types of communication methods that students can learn. Communication skills are one of the most valuable life skills. The development of this particular skill starts right from school. Teachers play a significant role in growing this essential skill in students. If you have excellent […]
Art! A Different Way To See The World

Art has the power to make you see things differently and beautifully. Students always have a creative bit inside them and it should never be oppressed by anyone. The same is with art the more you oppress it, it will come out stronger next time. Art gives you the freedom to think differently and […]
How to overcome Shyness and Insecurity

Insecurity is fundamental to human behavior. Feeling nervous beyond a specific limit can become an obstacle in the path of growth in many ways. According to studies, shy children often fail to reach the teachers when they need assistance. Consequently, they never make their way out of their doubts, hindering the process of learning […]
How To Remove The Inner Fear From Kids

Growing up, children have several fears – some are irrational, while some are rational. Overcoming these fears is essential for growing up and learning how to tackle intimidating or demanding situations. This can also prepare kids how to deal with anxiety and hypertension they may encounter when they grow up. However, this may not […]
Optimism in Kids

We all have heard about the “Is the glass Empty or Full?” story. The way you look at life determines your success. So it is important to teach our kids the right perspective. Optimism in kids not only benefits in defeating failure but also helps in developing self-esteem. Being the leading ICSE school in Patiala we […]
Using Technology Wisely

When the kids grow up and reach adolescence, it becomes a little hard for parents to understand them. They reach a stage where they have short temper and get irritated easily. They also start feeling a generation gap. In this new tech-savvy era, you might not be much aware of technology but your kids […]
How to Manage Defiance in Children ?

It’s normal for children to disobey you or act in defiance of what you want them to do. So how do you deal with this? Being one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala, we have compiled some effective tips for you that you can try. Start with Establishing Expectations When you assign responsibilities and […]
Teaching Mindfulness to Children

Mindfulness gives children the skills to get more in tune with their inner and outer environment, understand and regulate their emotions and gain more control. One of the best ICSE schools in Patiala shares some tips. The Walk-On-Thin-Ice Exercise The first step in teaching mindfulness to children is to tell them about the importance of understanding […]
5 Highly Effective Science-backed Studying Techniques

More often than not, we think that studying for longer hours produces better results but the trick is to study smartly and effectively. Being the leading ICSE school in Patiala we explain how students can maximize their learning potential by using research-backed learning techniques. Pre-test It has been proven by research studies that pre-testing is an effective […]
The Correct Way to Measure Your Child’s Progress When Learning Online

Virtual classes have become the new norm yet it’ll take some time before children, parents and teachers adjust successfully to it. As the leading ICSE school in Patiala, here are some effective ways to know whether your child is learning well when studying at home. Talk it Out With Them Even better, request that they […]