Guidelines For Parents

- Students are expected to attend school punctually.
- In case of absence from school for more than ten days without information, the student’s name is liable to be struck off from the school rolls. Re-admission will be solely at the discretion of the principal after repayment of admission dues.
- Parents who are accompanied by a guest should get a visitor card issued from the reception gate and permission of the principal.
- Caution money must be claimed within three months of withdrawal otherwise it will lapse.
- In case of any change in the address or the phone number please inform the school office.
- Every second Saturday there will be a parent-teacher meeting and last Saturday will be a holiday.
- In case of absence, parents to ensure that leave application reaches the school on the same day.
- Parents to ensure that their child reaches the school on time.
- Children are not to be picked up before the school gets over. In case of any problem, please avoid sending the child to school.
- Parents to please ensure that their child is
(a) In proper uniform.
(b) Neatly and smartly dressed.
(c) Nails are cut regularly.
(d) Shoes are polished regularly.
(e) Girls with long hair to make two plaits. Girls with short hair must wear a hair band. Ribbons for Classes I to VIII to be grey in summer and navy blue in winter. Anyone who is slovenly dressed will be fined. Frequent defaulters will even be sent home.
(f) Identity cards to be issued to the child at the time of admission. The I-card should be worn by the student daily without fail to ensure his/her safety. - Parents are advised not to send eatables and their wards are not permitted to wear casuals on their birthday. No packets and sweets for the staff will be accepted.
- No junk food like chips, noodles, white bread etc. is allowed in the school.
- Diary will be issued at the time of joining. It is an important tool for a two-way communication between teachers and parents. Parents should go through the diary, sign the notes given by the teacher as acknowledgment, keep it in the bag and send it to school everyday.
- Kindly do not come to meet or call the teacher during working hours. Parents can discuss problem of their ward with the class teacher during break time or meet the principal if required.
- The child should not carry or wear valuables like gold items, watch, expensive toys and any objectionable material to the school. The school will not be responsible for any losses and serious action will be taken against the defaulters.